
Frequently Asked Questions

How much advance notice is needed to get the best rate?

Typically 14 days notice obtains the best rates. Occasionally there are time periods or certain cities where 21 or even 30 days is needed for the best rate.

Is there a certain length of time to stay at my destination to get a good rate?

Typically a Saturday night stay at your point of destination is required for the lower fares. This can vary and your agent will let you know if it is required.

Can I change my reservations after the ticket has been issued or after the tour has been paid for?

Most lower fares are VERY restrictive in regard to changes or cancellations. Typically you are allowed to change your reservation, but you will be required to pay a change fee imposed by the airline or tour operator as well as any increase in costs for the new travel.

Can the name be changed on my reservation?

On airline tickets, NO name changes are allowed at anytime. Some tour/charter bookings will allow a name change, usually with a fee, if completed within a certain number of days prior to the departure of the flight/tour. This varies by tour operator and destination. You will need to verify the ability to make tour/charter name changes directly with your booking agent.

What documents do I need in order to travel?

Regardless of your destination you will need to travel with a Government issued Photo ID (such as a drivers license or passport) if you are over the age of 16. The requirement of other documents such as birth certificates, passports, and visas will vary depending on your destination. Please consult with your booking agent if you have questions or see the reference links on this page for more information.

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